2011. április 29., péntek

A Night with George A. Romero

There was a poster contest in London with this title in 2009. The Curzon Midnight Movies, the Fangoria Magazine and the Don't Panic had a program where you could watch the classic Romero movies and one of Lucio Fulci's. I won the first prize of the event poster contest with this entry.

My concept with camera-grinder and the zombies who grinded one another is rooted in the three classic Romero movies. George A. Romero's living dead are the alternative being of the capitaist men of the world, so he grinded the human mockery into the silver screen.

House of Grind

Do you know gory movies of the 70s and 80s with some nice tits? I mean Friday 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc.. this is the slasher. Yes you know and love them like me.

I would like to create a poster with a natural beauty main character. A white girl with body painting rooted from the black culture(this contrast is so exciting for me). She holds the Worm of Pleasures, the disgusting little creature from hell. The slasher icons in the background constitutes a big family, the fellows of the House of Grind.

2011. április 28., csütörtök

Attack of the Giant HolyShit

Hail to the animal monster movies from the '70s! When I was a child I really loved the water horror movies like Jaws, Barracuda and Tentacles. The mystery of the abyss embraced me every times I watched this movies.
On the other side i like the plastic monster movies too, when a big beast terrorizes the people in the city, in a savage jungle or under the water. That movies has typical titles like Attack of the...
This poster is a mockery for the genre what I so love.

Release of the KRAAKEN

Kraken are legendary sea monsters of gargantuan size, said to have dwelt off the coasts of Norway and Iceland. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them common ocean-dwelling monsters in various fictional works.

Kraken is a symbol of the endless deep and ancient force. It is one of the mother of all monsters...and definitely an amazing creature.

Kraaken is the name of a guy who is incorrigibly esteem the monsters of the world with some Trashy 'B' taste.

...so let me show you my artworks!